More Hellraiser Revelations!

Last week we reported a brand new ‘stand alone’ Hellraiser flick was in the pipeline and gushing towards production (read all about it here).

It isn’t the much-discussed remake but a new entry into the world of sado-masochistic horror where victims have their souls torn apart by a bunch of demons called Cenobites.

The new movie – Hellraiser: Revelations – is being prepped by Victor Garcia from a script by Gary Tunnicliffe and centres on two friends who release the infamous Pinhead into their world and suffer the consequences. Now that is the usual narrative progression of all the series! One of the dudes hopes to swap himself for another unwitting person… again, doesn’t sound so fresh, does it?

Signing up for scares and scars is Australian actress Peta Wilson, who you may remember played the vampiric Mina Harker in Stephen Norrington’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Since its 1987 debut, Hellraiser, based on Clive Barker’s own novella The Hellbound Heart, has spawned eight films with diminishing returns (Hellraiser II: Hellbound is the best). Despite the relative low budgets and general crapness, the Hellraiser franchise remains iconic and memorable due to the power of its creator’s ideas. It’s also really gross. Past directors include Scott ‘Day the Earth Stood Still’ Derrickson and Anthony ‘Mute Witness’ Hickox… although Alan Smithee’s entry rocked!

Martyrs director Pascal Laugier recently abandoned plans to remake the original film and that production remains in limbo. For now we’ll have to make do with direct-to-dvd entries into hell.

Source: Bloody Disgusting.